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Cisco DevNet Professional Certification Exams | |
300-435 - Automating Cisco Enterprise Solutions (ENAUTO) | |
300-535 - Automating Cisco Service Provider Solutions (SPAUTO) | |
300-635 - Automating Cisco Data Center Solutions (DCAUTO) | |
300-735 - Automating Cisco Security Solutions (SAUTO) | |
300-835 - Automating Cisco Collaboration Solutions (CLAUTO) | |
300-910 - Implementing DevOps Solutions and Practices using Cisco Platforms (DEVOPS) | |
300-915 - Developing Solutions Using Cisco IoT and Edge Platforms (DEVIOT) | |
300-920 - Developing Applications for Cisco Webex and Webex Devices (DEVWBX) | |
350-901 - Developing Applications using Cisco Core Platforms and APIs (DEVCOR) | |
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